5 Small Things You Can Do to Help Fight Climate Change
January 11, 2021
Happy New Year, friends of Bim Bam Boo! They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, which is why we felt it may be a good time to revisit your New Years’ resolutions. Or as we like to say, “New Years Evolutions”! If you’re stuck on how to create big change through attainable goals this year, we’ve got you covered. Our secret? Think small. The best New Years’ resolutions this year will involve personal lifestyle changes that positively impact the world around you, and it’s not as hard as you think! Now pull out your bullet journal or your Notes app and let's fight climate change together!
1. Make the switch to a low-impact lifestyle>
Humans produce almost 300 million tons of plastic waste per year, most of which is single-use. Plastic waste often ends up in landfills, dumps, and water systems, and some of the most toxic plastics can last in natural environments eternally.
Perfection is the enemy of progress. So forget about going 100% zero waste and aim for slowly swapping out optional disposable items. This could look like bringing a reusable coffee mug to your favorite coffee shop, or doing the grocery shopping with your own glass containers and cloth bags. Start paying attention to how much plastic you dispose of, even if it’s the plastic cap on a bottle or the wrapper on your favorite candy bar. Make an effort to properly dispose of any plastic that is recyclable, and start to reuse plastic bags when you can.
The small items in our life, down to a plastic coffee stirrer, can negatively affect the environment. Switching to plastic-free is a great New Year resolution because it is a completely attainable goal and one that benefits both you and the earth!
Need some inspo? Visit a few of our favorite stocklists of sustainable products:
- Goldune
- Tare Market
- NW Bulk Market
- Plastic Free Pursuit
- Zero Waste Store
- Wild Minimalist
2. Try going vegan
Food may not be the first thing that comes to mind when discussing climate change, but what you choose to eat can strongly impact the environment. The animal agriculture industry is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the world’s transportation systems combined. The solution? Shifting to a more plant-based diet.
Because food is a comfort and a delicacy for most, cutting out some personal favorite meals may seem intimidating. It may be helpful to reframe this exploration into a more plant-based diet by adding new foods rather than taking old foods away. Start slowly by doing meatless Mondays, or give yourself permission to get creative with new recipes in the kitchen! Remember you don’t need to make drastic changes to your diet to make an impact. A resolution could be to consume fewer animal products each week. If you’re curious about going vegan, make a goal to try it for one month.
Remember that vegan doesn’t solely involve food, your household cleaning products, makeup, and even toilet paper can be vegan too. If you aren’t ready to make a diet switch, try purchasing only vegan and cruelty-free products for your home. Check out our blog on Vegan TP to learn more about how to make your home plant-based.
3. Create a Non-Toxic Lifestyle
If you’ve been part of the BBB community for a while, you’ll know that we PREACH non-toxicity in our products, especially ones used on the body! 2021 is the year to flush the non-toxic products down the drain and never look back. The toxic chemicals hiding in your skincare and cleaning products can negatively impact your home, your body, and the environment.
This year, make a personal pact to only buy non-toxic products. If you need some more information on what specifically can be toxic, our blog Scary Things Hiding in Your Bathroom has all of the answers. Be kind to yourself and your home this year!
4. Join the Conversation
One of the best ways to help fuel any progress is to simply keep the conversation going. Join discussion forums on how to slow climate change. Interact with your favorite Instagram influencers and brands whose values reflect the eco-friendly and non-toxic lifestyle. Use your own platform as a place to share your concerns with family, friends, and representatives. The more buzz there is on an issue, the more likely people will band together to make a change. Make it your resolution to share how you will take steps to combat climate change in 2021!
Check out these tips on using social media for environmental advocacy from our friends at Pathloom.
5. Switch to BBB Toilet Paper
In 2020, we saved 1.2 million pounds of virgin forests from getting flushed! And with your help, we hope to double that in 2021. When you make the switch to tree-free Bim Bam Boo toilet paper, you’re helping fight climate with every wipe. Bamboo is one of the most sustainable materials made by mother-nature because it can regrow at a faster rate than trees. This means using bamboo as a wood alternative ultimately helps protect against deforestation, damage to animal habitats, and much more. Our bamboo is FSC certified, meaning that it is environmentally conscious, socially beneficial, and economically viable. Every 24pk saves approximately 36lbs of trees from going down the toilet. Our products are made with a 100% bamboo formula, making them completely non-toxic, sustainable, vegan, and cruelty-free. If you’re looking for an easy way to make a shift to non-toxic in 2021, start with a roll of BBB toilet paper. Or turn a friend onto BBB and Together we can save forests from the bottom up.