Our Favorite Ways to
Upcycle Toilet Paper Tubes
January 28, 2021

Imagine...it’s late at night, you roll out of bed to go use the toilet, you take care of your business and then look to the left and….the toilet paper tube is EMPTY. No worries, we’ve all been there. Have you noticed toilet paper tubes only seem relevant at the most inconvenient times? Often an empty toilet paper tube is tossed straight in the garbage in order to be replaced with a fresh roll of toilet paper. Instead of mindlessly tossing, it’s time to get creative. Over 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown into the garbage instead of recycling each year...which is enough to fill the Empire State Building...twice! While toilet paper tubes are recyclable, upcycling them is an even more effective and productive option to help minimize household waste.
While it doesn’t sound glamorous at first, upcycling your toilet paper tubes can be a simple and super fun craft to do with family and friends. To make it super easy for you the crew at Bim Bam Boo has compiled our favorite ways to upcycle toilet paper tubes for your enjoyment. Now start saving those tubes and let’s get crackin’ on crafting!
1. Desk organization, but make it cute!
In the era of working from home, your desk space truly is your sanctuary. Whether you’re writing the next great American novel or clearing out your email, a clear desk equals a clear mind. That’s why it’s time to organize, with toilet paper tubes! This toilet paper tube craft is easily the most customizable. Use paint, stamps, washi tape, string, or whatever else floats your boat to decorate the outside of the tubes. Once they’re finished, stick your writing utensils, rulers, earbuds, makeup brushes, and everything else under the sun into your upcycled toilet paper tubes. Congratulations, you now have super cute and sustainable desk organizers!
2. Reusing plastic bags just got easy
If you live under a rock, news flash: plastic bags are EVERYWHERE! Americans use up to 100 billion single-use plastic bags per year, and only 1 percent of those are actually recycled. On top of this, plastic bag recycling is incredibly costly and time-intensive. If you still shop with plastic bags, it’s time to kick the habit as soon as possible. And when you can’t avoid that pesky plastic, use toilet paper tubes for a double upcycling win. Here’s how it works:
Keep a toilet paper tube in your car or purse and start stuffing any new plastic bags you receive into the tube. Once it comes time to do the grocery shopping, pull a bag or two out of the tube and reuse them for your items. You can also leave a tube in your mudroom to drop off any bags you want to keep using. This toilet paper tube DIY is simple but very helpful for good ol’ mother Earth!
3. Show your loved ones you care...with a toilet paper tube
It’s time to stop buying gift wrap. In 2017, people in the U.S. spent $12.7 billion on gift wrap, just to tear it up and throw it away soon after purchasing! Plus, most gift wrap paper is not recyclable because it’s made with different plastics, inks, and chemicals to give it a glittery or shiny appearance.
Instead of wasting money on paper that will just end up in a landfill for centuries, start reusing different items for wrapping, like newspaper, paper bags, and….you guessed it, toilet paper tubes! Toilet paper tubes can actually be turned into the most adorable gift boxes for jewelry, gift cards, and anything else you can think of fitting. Check out this blog on How to Turn Toilet Paper Rolls Into a Pillow Box. Like any of these toilet paper crafts, the opportunities for customization are endless! Use paint and recycled ribbon to turn your toilet paper tubes into a work of art.
4. Take time to feed the birds
When spring rolls around, the kids will be dying to get out and play in the sun. To prepare for the good days ahead full of light and growth, upcycle your toilet paper tubes into bird feeders! Simply spread peanut butter on a tube, then roll the tube in a layer of birdseed. Attach the tube to a piece of string, hang it on your porch, and watch all of your new friends come to say hello!
5. Declutter your computer cords
We’ve all tried to stuff our countless electronic cords under the bed or coffee table, only to pull them out completely tangled and unidentifiable. If you’re looking for a way to keep your cords neat and organized, toilet paper tubes could be the way to go. Create labels for each of your cords and fold them into the tubes. Say goodbye to the hours spent detangling cords and earbuds!
These ideas barely scratch the surface of all the ways to upcycle toilet paper tubes. In reality, the possibilities are endless. The bottom line is that now, more than ever before, leaning into upcycling used items is extremely important in terms of giving back to the planet and your household. Finding ways to turn something you always thought was useless into something beautiful or crafty is a perfect way to live sustainably.
At Bim Bam Boo, we aim to create a zero-waste toilet paper experience, starting with the toilet paper formula itself. Our magical bamboo toilet paper is 100% biodegradable and FSC-certified, meaning that it was ethically sourced and produced. We want to make the smallest impact possible when it comes to the environment, but the biggest impact when it comes to helping you make changes in your everyday life.
Whether it be through fun toilet paper tube crafts, or simply using eco-friendly toilet paper, the crew at Bim Bam Boo encourages you to give upcycling, reusing, and giving back to Mama E a shot! If you haven’t tried a roll of Bim Bam Boo yet, head to our online store, or sign up for a free sample. Stop by and say hi on our Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, we love new friends!