Bim Bam Blog

Go beyond the roll with Bim Bam Boo for the behind the scenes glimpses, industry secrets, sustainability hacks and more.

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Bambooty Wipes Now Available at Target
November 02, 2024 Bambooty Wipes Now Available at Target

New from Bim Bam Boo and Now Available at Target Stores Nationwide! Say hello to 3pk Flushable Wet Wipes made with bamboo.

The Truth About UTIs: How Your Choice of Toilet Paper Can Make a Difference
April 14, 2024 The Truth About UTIs: How Your Choice of Toilet Paper Can Make a Difference

UTIs can be a painful and bothersome issue for many, and surprisingly, your choice of toilet paper could play a significant role in preventing them. In this informative piece, we delve into the connection between UTIs and toilet paper choices, shedding light on how a simple switch can make a big difference in your well-being.

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What does Prince, Toilet Paper and Christmas have in common?
December 12, 2021 What does Prince, Toilet Paper and Christmas have in common?

Ever wonder how the heck you make singing toilet paper? It all starts with singers! Join us as we take you on an adventure inside the studio as we recorded "Jingle Rolls".

Why Toilet Paper<br> Makes the Best Gift
November 04, 2021 Why Toilet Paper
Makes the Best Gift

Christmas is coming! And with it comes the great tradition of giving gifts. 

10 Genius Cleaning Hacks for a Sparking Eco-Friendly Bathroom
October 17, 2021 10 Genius Cleaning Hacks for a Sparking Eco-Friendly Bathroom

We all know how important it is to clean the bathroom. 

TP Theft is On the Rise
October 15, 2021 TP Theft is On the Rise

We have noticed a significant increase in customer orders being stolen in-transit (likely by porch pirates)

⁣Give the Final Flush to Toilet Paper Destroying Our Forests
September 20, 2021 ⁣Give the Final Flush to Toilet Paper Destroying Our Forests

Together we can wipe away deforestation for good. With 27,000 trees flushed down the toilet everyday (just in America), every small step towards alternative fibers such as recycled & bamboo toilet paper helps fight climate change. 

Roll Up To Our Biggest Sale Ever At Whole Foods Market
August 18, 2021 Roll Up To Our Biggest Sale Ever At Whole Foods Market

Our biggest sale on Bim Bam Boo sustainable bamboo paper products has just begun *cue happy dance*. 

Modern bathroom with rug
April 24, 2021 Does bamboo toilet
paper block drains?

Not all bath tissue flushes equally! While bamboo is a strong fiber, each brand's formulations may differ, which will impact how easily it will flush.

Want to Join the Crew at Bim Bam Boo? We're Hiring!
March 29, 2021 Want to Join the Crew at Bim Bam Boo? We're Hiring!

Are you that person at the party that loves to make everyone feel welcome?

BBB Bares All! <br>Spilling the tea on wages, <br>working conditions & sourcing.
March 05, 2021 BBB Bares All! 
Spilling the tea on wages,
working conditions & sourcing.

What are the wages and working conditions like for the people who make your products?